{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections --prop #-}
module Cong where

open import Agda.Primitive

open import Lib
open import Quotient
open import Fam as _
open import Id as _
open import Pi as _

--- Fibrant congruence over an internal family ---
-- The definition is split into two parts (similar to how identity types are
-- split into introduction and elimination structures) :
--   PreCong-Fam C consists of equivalence relations on types and terms of the
--     families, such that the setoid of terms is fibrant over the setoid of
--     types.
--   PreCong-Ap {C} C~ {D} D~ consists of compatibility conditions on
--     congruences C~ and D~ for the types and terms of D dependent over C.
--  A congruence over C consists of C~ : PreCong-Fam C and C~-ap : PreCong-Ap C~ C~.

record PreCong-Fam {ic' jc' ic jc} (C : Fam {ic} {jc}) : Set (lsuc (ic  jc  ic'  jc')) where
  module C = Fam C
  -- Equivalence relation on Ty
  field Ty~ : C.Ty  C.Ty  Prop ic'
        Ty~R :  {A}  Ty~ A A
        Ty~S :  {A B}  Ty~ A B  Ty~ B A
        Ty~T :  {A B C}  Ty~ A B  Ty~ B C  Ty~ A C
  -- Dependent equivalence relation on Tm
        Tm~ :  {A B}  Ty~ A B  (a : C.Tm A)  (b : C.Tm B)  Prop jc'
        Tm~R :  {A a}  Tm~ (Ty~R {A}) a a
        Tm~S :  {A B p a b}  Tm~ {A} {B} p a b  Tm~ (Ty~S p) b a
        Tm~T :  {A B C p q a b c}  Tm~ {A} {B} p a b  Tm~ {B} {C} q b c  Tm~ (Ty~T p q) a c
  -- Fibrancy condition
        Tm~fib :  {A B} (p : Ty~ A B) (a : C.Tm A)   ΣPS (C.Tm B)  b  Tm~ p a b) 

  EqRel-Ty~ : EqRel Ty~
  EqRel-Ty~ = record { R = Ty~R ; S = Ty~S ; T = Ty~T }

  EqRel-Tm~ :  {A}  EqRel (Tm~ (Ty~R {A}))
  EqRel-Tm~ = record { R = Tm~R ; S = Tm~S ; T = Tm~T }

  Ty⋆~ :  {n}  (LIxTele n C) .Fam.Ty  (LIxTele n C) .Fam.Ty  Prop (ic'  jc'  jc)
  Tm⋆~ :  {n A B}  Ty⋆~ {n} A B  (LIxTele n C) .Fam.Tm A  (LIxTele n C) .Fam.Tm B  Prop jc'

  Ty⋆~ {zero}  _       _       = ⊤p
  Ty⋆~ {suc n} (Γ , A) (Δ , B) = ΣP (Ty⋆~ {n} Γ Δ)  A~   γ δ  Tm⋆~ A~ γ δ  Ty~ (A γ) (B δ))
  Tm⋆~ {zero}  _         _         _         = ⊤p
  Tm⋆~ {suc n} (A~ , B~) (a₁ , b₁) (a₂ , b₂) = ΣP (Tm⋆~ A~ a₁ a₂)  a~  Tm~ (B~ _ _ a~) b₁ b₂)

record PreCong-Ap {ic jc ic' jc'} {C : Fam {ic} {jc}} (C~ : PreCong-Fam {ic'} {jc'} C)
                  (n : ) (Ty⋆~R :  {A}  PreCong-Fam.Ty⋆~ C~ {n} A A)
                  : Set (ic  jc  ic'  jc') where
    module C = Fam C
    module C~ = PreCong-Fam C~

  field ap-Ty :  {A : LIxTele n C .Fam.Ty} (B : (LIxTele n C) .Fam.Tm A  C.Ty)
                  {x y} (p : C~.Tm⋆~ Ty⋆~R x y)
                 C~.Ty~ (B x) (B y)
        ap-Tm :  {A : LIxTele n C .Fam.Ty} (B : (LIxTele n C) .Fam.Tm A  C.Ty) (b :  a  C.Tm (B a))
                  {x y} (p : C~.Tm⋆~ Ty⋆~R x y)
                 C~.Tm~ (ap-Ty B p) (b x) (b y)

  field ap-next : PreCong-Ap C~ (suc n) (Ty⋆~R ,  γ δ x  ap-Ty _ x))

record Cong-Fam {ic' jc' ic jc} (C : Fam {ic} {jc}) : Set (lsuc (ic  jc  ic'  jc')) where
  field C~ : PreCong-Fam {ic'} {jc'} C
        C~-ap : PreCong-Ap C~ zero _
  open PreCong-Fam C~ public

--- Compatibility of a congruence with type-theoretic structures ---

record Cong-Id-Intro {ic' jc' ic jc} {C : Fam {ic} {jc}} (C~ : Cong-Fam {ic'} {jc'} C)  CId : Id-Intro C  : Prop (ic  jc  ic'  jc') where
    module C   = Fam C
    module C~  = Cong-Fam C~
    open Id-Intro CId
  field Id~ :  {A₁ A₂ x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (x~ : C~.Tm~ A~ x₁ x₂) (y~ : C~.Tm~ A~ y₁ y₂)
             C~.Ty~ (Id x₁ y₁) (Id x₂ y₂)
        idp~ :  {A₁ A₂ x₁ x₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (x~ : C~.Tm~ A~ x₁ x₂)
              C~.Tm~ (Id~ A~ x~ x~) (idp {x = x₁}) (idp {x = x₂})

record Cong-Id-Elim {ic' jc' ic jc} {C : Fam {ic} {jc}} (C~ : Cong-Fam {ic'} {jc'} C)  CId : Id-Intro C  (CId~ : Cong-Id-Intro C~)  CId-Elim-C : Id-Elim C C  : Prop (ic  jc  ic'  jc') where
    module C  = Fam C
    module C~ = Cong-Fam C~
    open Id-Intro CId
    open Id-Elim CId-Elim-C
    open Cong-Id-Intro CId~
  field J~ :  {A₁ A₂ x₁ x₂ P₁ P₂ d₁ d₂ y₁ y₂ p₁ p₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (x~ : C~.Tm~ A~ x₁ x₂)
               (P~ :  {y₁ y₂} y~ {p₁ p₂} (p~ : C~.Tm~ (Id~ A~ x~ y~) p₁ p₂)  C~.Ty~ (P₁ (y₁ , p₁)) (P₂ (y₂ , p₂)))
               (d~ : C~.Tm~ (P~ x~ (idp~ A~ x~)) d₁ d₂)
               (y~ : C~.Tm~ A~ y₁ y₂) (p~ : C~.Tm~ (Id~ A~ x~ y~) p₁ p₂)
              C~.Tm~ (P~ y~ p~) (J {A₁} {x₁} P₁ d₁ (y₁ , p₁)) (J {A₂} {x₂} P₂ d₂ (y₂ , p₂))
        J-β~ :  {A₁ A₂ x₁ x₂ P₁ P₂ d₁ d₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (x~ : C~.Tm~ A~ x₁ x₂)
                 (P~ :  {y₁ y₂} (y~ : C~.Tm~ A~ y₁ y₂) {p₁ p₂} (p~ : C~.Tm~ (Id~ A~ x~ y~) p₁ p₂)  C~.Ty~ (P₁ (y₁ , p₁)) (P₂ (y₂ , p₂)))
                 (d~ : C~.Tm~ (P~ x~ (idp~ A~ x~)) d₁ d₂)
                C~.Tm~ (Id~ (P~ x~ (idp~ A~ x~)) (J~ A~ x~ P~ d~ x~ (idp~ A~ x~)) d~) (J-β {A₁} {x₁} {P₁} {d₁}) (J-β {A₂} {x₂} {P₂} {d₂})

record Cong-Pi-Intro {ic' jc' ic jc} {C : Fam {ic} {jc}} (C~ : Cong-Fam {ic'} {jc'} C)  CPi-Intro : Pi-Intro C C  : Prop (ic  jc  ic'  jc') where
    module C = Fam C
    module C~ = Cong-Fam C~
    open Pi-Intro CPi-Intro
  field Π~ :  {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (B~ :  {a₁ a₂}  C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂  C~.Ty~ (B₁ a₁) (B₂ a₂))
             C~.Ty~ (Π A₁ B₁) (Π A₂ B₂)
        lam~ :  {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂ b₁ b₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (B~ :  {a₁ a₂} (a~ : C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂)  C~.Ty~ (B₁ a₁) (B₂ a₂))
                 (b~ :  {a₁ a₂} (a~ : C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂)  C~.Tm~ (B~ a~) (b₁ a₁) (b₂ a₂))
                C~.Tm~ (Π~ A~ B~) (lam {B = B₁} b₁) (lam {B = B₂} b₂)

record Cong-Pi-App {ic' jc' ic jc} {C : Fam {ic} {jc}} (C~ : Cong-Fam {ic'} {jc'} C)  CId : Id-Intro C  (CId~ : Cong-Id-Intro C~)
                    CPi-Intro : Pi-Intro C C  (CPi~ : Cong-Pi-Intro C~)  CPi-App : Pi-App C C  : Prop (ic  jc  ic'  jc') where
    module C = Fam C
    module C~ = Cong-Fam C~
    open Pi-Intro CPi-Intro
    open Cong-Pi-Intro CPi~
    open Pi-App CPi-App
    open Cong-Id-Intro CId~
  field app~ :  {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂ f₁ f₂ a₁ a₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (B~ :  {a₁ a₂}  C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂  C~.Ty~ (B₁ a₁) (B₂ a₂))
                 (f~ : C~.Tm~ (Π~ A~ B~) f₁ f₂) (a~ : C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂)
                C~.Tm~ (B~ a~) (app {A₁} {B₁} f₁ a₁) (app {A₂} {B₂} f₂ a₂)
        app-β~ :  {A₁ A₂ B₁ B₂ b₁ b₂ a₁ a₂} (A~ : C~.Ty~ A₁ A₂) (B~ :  {a₁ a₂}  C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂  C~.Ty~ (B₁ a₁) (B₂ a₂))
                   (b~ :  {a₁ a₂} (a~ : C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂)  C~.Tm~ (B~ a~) (b₁ a₁) (b₂ a₂)) (a~ : C~.Tm~ A~ a₁ a₂)
                  C~.Tm~ (Id~ (B~ a~) (app~ A~ B~ (lam~ A~ B~ b~) a~) (b~ a~)) (app-β {A₁} {B₁} {b₁} {a₁}) (app-β {A₂} {B₂} {b₂} {a₂})