-- This Agda formalization is known to work with Agda v2.6.3 {- Agda formalization for section 3 of "TOWARDS COHERENCE THEOREMS FOR EQUATIONAL EXTENSIONS OF TYPE THEORIES" -} {- Lib.agda - Σ-types, equality types, natural numbers, ... -} open import Lib {- Fam.agda - Families, join of families, families of telescopes. -} open import Fam {- Id/Intro.agda - Identity type introduction structures. -} open import Id.Intro {- Id/Elim.agda - Weak identity type elimination. -} open import Id.Elim {- Id/Groupoid.agda - Groupoid operations and laws. -} open import Id.Groupoid {- Id/Id.agda - Other properties of identity types. -} open import Id.Id {- Id/Tele.agda - Lifting identity type structures from families to joins of families and - families of telescopes. -} open import Id.Tele